My 510th Fighter Squadron Brother Buzzards in Iraq, 2007

We Can End the GOP Forever Right Now— Here’s How:



My story has the power to end the Republican Party for good.

I don’t know how else to say that in a way that will help you trust me or believe me, but it’s true. When you retweet this to help spread it, and that gets my story read by journalists and ultimately politicians, especially those Republican politicians, they will all see that everything they've lied about, oppressed people over, and greedily gotten away with is all going to come crashing down like a house of cards.

Simply put, I’m the Republican Party’s worst nightmare finally come true, or, you could say, I’m your dream come true.

I’m giving my entire story out to the world through a simple and easy-to-read book everyone can read on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

You don’t know it yet, but the world is really going to change in a good way.

It’s time we put them out of their misery.

Kaiser, May 2021

“Kaiser” was my fighter pilot callsign from about 2005–2011, the year I was finally kicked out of the US Air Force. The significance of me is that I was the last person kicked out of the US Military for Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.

If you remember that time, Congress repealed DADT in December of 2010, and then the military finally enacted the repeal ten months later in September of 2011. During a lot of those ten months that the military said it was training everyone to be able to accept gays, what was really happening behind the scenes was that I was in a military jail cell at the Marine Corps Brig at Quantico, Virginia, next to Chelsea Manning — as in the whistleblower, US Army Private Bradley Manning.

I was finally discharged from the military on 9 September 2011, and the DADT repeal was immediately enacted afterward on 20 September 2011, only ten days after they were finally able to very quietly get rid of me without anyone knowing, not even, I think, the Commander in Chief, President Obama.

You never heard about me, but I’m the reason for the ten-month delay. Our mostly Republican officers who run our military will never admit to any of the things I’m exposing to everyone in this book.

I was born in 1980 to very forward-looking and progressive parents in California. I’m using my pilot callsign for the book because, if you read it understanding our current America, I simply want to keep a level of privacy from people, who you’re probably also seeing, have become really dangerous.

Instead of going to my dream college like a lot of you out there, I entered the world of the Republican Party and the Evangelical Christian Church by going to the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. It’s a very Trump-supporting, MAGA conservative, and Evangelical Christian city that is exactly what you think of when you think of Trump-country.

Celebrating my last flight in Afghanistan flying the Italian AMX, 2010

After graduating in 2002, I became a fighter pilot and eventually went to our war zones in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I supported our troops on the ground by directing them from above in my F-16 and Italian AMX fighter jets.

What I’d like to say is we’re both in the same place now in 2021.

We’re looking at what’s happening in America and asking ourselves, “How do we get this world working better?”

How do we enact all the things President Biden just talked about in his speech on Wednesday night when we have GOP members in Congress and the Senate saying their putting 100% of their energy into stoping President Biden? They’re acting like obstinate and stubborn obstacles who have no idea how stupid they’re being.

As a fighter pilot looking down at the world from above, you need to hear what I see and how we can totally and completely get rid of those obstacles. I could have gone to UC Berkeley and learned to protest against war, protest for Black Lives Matter, protest against the GOP, protest against the NRA, and protest for human equality.

What you’re all courageously doing right now that makes me so proud of us.

Instead of going to my dream school, I went inside this beast and figured out how we can take it all down and end all their shit for good.

The biggest question on all our minds might be something like, “What the hell is going on in the Republican Party?”

You and I took different paths earlier in our lives, so if you’re willing to listen to me now, it will be powerful. I spent my college years and my twenties breaking into the mind of people like Congrresswomen Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, and Senators Mitch McConnell, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz.

Like a spy, I analyzed what’s driving their ideas and what’s driving their voters to support them. I also discovered what are all their weaknesses, and how we can bring them all down to give us a democratic America with equality for all.

I’ve made ending it all as simple as spreading this book around to everyone you know through tweets and Facebook posts.

That’s not a sales pitch for the book. It’s the reality. The book is only $6, cheaper than almost every book out there politicians are trying to sell you, and I’ll even give it to everyone for free. I’m not here to sell you a book.

I’m here to free our country from them.

The key to defeating them all was always as simple as using their own Christian religion against them.

The way to get Medicare for All, environmental protections, Green New Deal, raise the minimum wage, higher taxes on billionaires, gun safety regulations, abortion rights for women, Black rights, criminal justice reform, LGBTQ+ rights, immigration reform, Climate Change action, everything Biden and Harris talked about on Wednesday, when half our country’s politicians and voters are stuck in the cult of MAGA Trumpism, when Mitch McConnell’s power derives from a belief God is on his side, when Trump’s support was almost 90% made up of Evangelical Christian voters, when Marco Rubio, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Ted Cruz, and their supporters tweet stuff like “Jesus is King,” all the while attacking us democrats as “radical socialists,” the way to end them all was by decoding the Bible to expose the truth that Jesus was actually a radical socialist just like they call us.

Jesus wasn’t killed to “atone for their sins” like they say he was. He was killed by people exactly like them — intolerant. He was killed because he was a radical socialist who threatened their power, just like AOC threatens their power, and Katie Porter, and Bernie Sanders, and President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

My book makes it all collapse because the Bible is the Republican Party’s foundation, their power source, and this book will cause an extreme earthquake that will shake the foundations of their power.

Right about now is a really good time to do it since watching President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris last Wednesday night makes me super fucking ready to rock this world with them.

Decoding the Bible was all that was needed to take all the GOP’s power away, and that’s why spreading this book is all that’s needed to end their power.

Are you ready to finally see Mitch McConnell cry for what he’s done to us?

Ten years ago at the end of my time in our war zones, I started writing about my experience growing up in California to forward-thinking parents and then entering into the world of the Republican Party and the US Military.

During my time in pilot training, I was stationed in different areas around Republican America like Oklahoma, Arizona, Florida, and Georgia, our political battleground states. I was able to learn what’s going on with voters in these areas by going to their churches and learning what they were learning. I know what’s driving them to the extremism that resulted in the Capitol Attack, and what I wrote in this book is what will finally wake them up from their extremism.

My lack of connections and influence with less than 500 followers, though, means I need your help spreading my story.

I’ve tried just about every way I can think of to get the attention of politicians and journalists. I’ve tried email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, even paid advertising on what is essentially a really small budget since I’m a struggling American like all of us.

My husband and I met AOC!!!!

I went to Washington D.C. before the elections to get attention on this, and I was lucky enough to meet AOC, hoping a simple tweet to her 12 million followers would make this happen. She was so nice as I gave her the book, and her tweeting this could have made this happen months ago, but then the chaos and elections took over D.C.

As much as this book had the power to bring down the GOP before the elections, it was likely sitting in her home as she and everyone else were hiding for their lives during the Capitol Attack. It’s not her fault. It’s really difficult for me to convey to everyone that this book truly is what will end it all.

If anyone out there can get this message to Alexandria Ocasia-Cortez, or Rachel Maddow, please get it to them and tell them to read this message.

For everyone else, please retweet this with @AOC and @Maddow on Twitter to get them to see, read it, and retweet it.

AOC, I’m sorry we didn’t get more time to talk. I wish, looking back, that I had accompanied you home, so we could’ve talked more. You can end all of it right now by simply retweeting this message to your millions of followers.

You can trust me.

I’ve spent the last ten years in a decompression from this experience, and I really needed that time for my own well-being. But that means getting this to influential people has become impossible for me as a relative nobody. After watching the Capitol Attack, knowing what’s going on and why this is happening, it feels like it is my fault that I can’t get this out there to stop it.

When you ask yourself, “What will wake up my MAGA Trump friends and family?”


“What will it take to defeat the entire Republican Party, so we never have to deal with their shit again?”

This book was written with the intent of bringing it all down — making the Republican Party collapse like the house of cards I learned it is. Decoding the Bible was what was needed to finally win, to wake up your MAGA family and friends, and I’m simply the guy who figured out how to do that.

I think the biggest thing that makes me this guy is that I was stationed in Italy, and that helped me learn a lot about the Christian Church, how it affects Italians today, and the history of it going back centuries. What happened is I figured out what I think has to be the biggest secret in the Christian, and also Catholic Church, ever.

I also figured out how to prove it all.

I’m doing my best not to spoil the ending for you, but that means I’m exposing what has to be the biggest secret in the history of the world.

When you write a book that you think everyone in the world might eventually read someday, you start thinking about what are all the things we need to talk about to fix the world and what’s plaguing us right now.

Because if you could talk to the entire world, what might you say?

I’m a poor LGBTQ+ progressive millennial with a command of military tactics and strategies to defeat enemies.

I wrote the book that will shake the foundation of the Republican Party and make it all collapse like a house of cards. All you need to do is get this article to whomever you can. If you’re reading this Medium article from a tweet or a Facebook post, taking down the GOP is as simple as retweeting this or reposting it to help this spread virally.

The US Air Force trusted me with a $30 million fighter jet — that is until I said I was gay. You could show them they were wrong to do that, and that you are willing to trust me, even as a gay guy, by giving me a simple repost or retweet.

Thank you all for everything you’ve been doing to save our country,


Watch this 2 min trailer I made for the book:

P.s. The book cover and subtitle has been updated to this because the original felt too Evangelical, “come to Jesus,” which was scary for a lot of friends:

I put all the secrets on the Book cover. If you’re a journalist, you’ll want to look at this closely.

· Barnes and Noble links: Nook eBook $6, Paperback $20, Hardcover $30

· Amazon links: Kindle eBook $6, Paperback $20

· Nook or Kindle on your phone or tablet with an internet connection is the best way to read this, so you can see the supporting links and videos. If you don’t have a Nook or Kindle, it’s as simple as downloading the App, and having the book sent to your phone. I read it on my phone, and it’s nice since we have our phones everywhere with us. I put in a lot of videos that will be a fun throwback to our times growing up, so you really won’t want to miss the eBook version of the book. The paperback and hardcover are costlier to help cut down on paper by discouraging people from buying them too much. I don’t make much more money on them than the eBook, just to let you know.

· Here’s a Free PDF copy on Google Drive that you can download. Journalists, read the beginning and definitely the last pages for the proof.

Don’t skip the book cover thinking it’s wrong because it really is correct. You just have to look closely, and it’ll make more sense when you get to the end of the book, especially since I was able to prove it all.

· You can contact me at for questions, comments, clarifications, typos, or to say hi. This book has been a work in progress forever, so if there are places for clarifications or expansion, I can update it.

P.S. You need to thank Jake Lobin for being the person who first helped me spread this. Give him a follow at @JakeLobin on Twitter.

